A People-Centric Approach To Solving Problems

What We Care About

Helping People

Whether through acts of kindness, volunteering, or professional assistance, the act of helping others not only enriches the lives of those receiving aid but also fosters a sense of interconnectedness and empathy within communities. From lending a listening ear to offering practical support, helping people embodies the essence of humanity's capacity for empathy and altruism.


The environment serves as the nurturing cradle for biodiversity, providing habitats for countless species and resources crucial for human survival. However, human activities such as industrialization, deforestation, pollution, and overexploitation of natural resources have significantly degraded this delicate balance, leading to environmental crises like climate change, habitat loss, and biodiversity decline.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy technologies have become increasingly cost-effective and accessible, leading to widespread adoption worldwide. A transition to renewable energy promises clean air and water, job creation, economic growth, and energy independence as well as cleaner air and water. Embracing renewable energy is not just a choice; it's a necessity for building a more resilient and sustainable future for generations to come.

Custom Solutions


We develop bespoke solutions for specific challenges faced. 

User-Centric Design

We make sure our solutions are user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and seamless integration.

Continuous Innovation

Keep up with the fast-paced world. We’re constantly exploring new technologies and refining our techniques to provide better solutions.


Building a Sustainable Future for All

Building a sustainable future for all necessitates a holistic approach that integrates environmental, social, and economic considerations.


This endeavor entails shifting towards renewable energy sources, implementing eco-friendly technologies, and adopting circular economy principles to minimize waste. Moreover, fostering equitable access to resources, education, and opportunities is crucial for social sustainability.


Empowering communities to participate in decision-making processes and promoting inclusivity ensures that diverse voices are heard and accounted for in sustainable development initiatives. By prioritizing sustainability in all facets of life, we can strive towards a future where the needs of current and future generations are met without compromising the health of the planet or the well-being of its inhabitants.

How we can do it ? Together

In PartoTech OU we believe, we can change it

Founder & CEO
Vahid Ahmadpour

Co-Founder & PMO
Hosien Maleki


Mastane Kachloo

Get in touch

    Email Address :            vahid@ptech.ee
     Address :                      Tallinn, Estonia
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